美国著名扑克牌手John Andress 针对伙牌作弊现象的公开声明

2019-02-27 14:58:28

由于平台作弊系统的不完善,国内外玩家都被“伙牌”打到晕头转向,不堪其扰,最近,几部中国扑克工作室在某约局扑克平台伙牌作弊的视频在欧美扑克届流传并引发了广泛的讨论。为了净化打牌环境,公平竞技,很多欧美德州届的大咖相继发声。其中知名的德州牌手教练John Andress也通过社交媒体发表关于严打“伙牌”声明。

声明中表明,John Andress将会作为扑克王游戏安全小组的负责人,同时Nick Petrangelo也将携手专家团队一起为扑克王做安全顾问。

John Andress: 美国职业德州扑克玩家,德州扑克培训机构Run It Once顶尖的现金桌单挑教练,在MTT比赛和现金桌中的盈利超过千万美元。

John Andress

Nick Petrangelo: 美国职业德州扑克玩家,德州扑克培训网站Upswing的MTT比赛的首席教练,2条WSOP金手链获得者,线上MTT比赛有纪录的盈利超过1600万美元。


Nick Petrangelo



        在过去几年中,约局模式的线上扑克App越来越受欢迎。 “中国扑克热潮”的传闻开始在全世界传播,并吸引了世界各地的玩家参与其中。俱乐部创建者通过手机APP软件创建俱乐部,并组织玩家参与。这种新的线上扑克模式拥有大量的现金桌玩家与大赌客,但同时也存在玩家面临各种作弊行为的严重风险。




        检测伙牌是一项艰巨的任务,它需要科技和对扑克相关博弈论的深入了解。伙牌破坏了游戏的公平性,也剥夺了诚信玩家在游戏中长期获利的权利。资深伙牌者通过共享牌型和策略进行操作,以达到获取利益的目的。我曾经发现有人在一张8人桌上操控5个账户来伙牌 — 这使得除了他以外的任何人都几乎不可能获胜。

        作为扑克王游戏安全小组的负责人,Nick Petrangelo将和我与专家团队一起为扑克王做安全顾问。我们的团队在世界上最顶尖的线上扑克牌桌、现场锦标赛和现金桌牌局中的总收入超过了2千万美元。我们研究的扑克相关数据分析和博弈论可与过去十年中的最高水平抗衡。综合我们的经验,计划实现以下目标:






        In the past few years App-based online poker has increased in popularity. Rumors of a “Chinese Poker Boom” began to spread through poker rooms bringing players around the world into the game. Games ran on club based phone applications and were hosted by private club owners. This new online poker model had a large volume of cash games with big gamblers but it also came with the serious risk of players being cheated.

        The club based online poker model comes with variety of caveats. Anonymity is a necessity in the Asian markets. This creates an environment where players can easily create multiple accounts, play at the same table, and share cards. This form of collusion makes it nearly impossible for other players to win at the same table. Club structure also requires owners to police games for collusion and other forms of cheating. In some cases, club owners are complicit in encouraging cheaters to play against unsuspecting players, then taking a share of profits. These same owners are also required to handle payments and hold player funds. This system often failed when the club became insolvent after extending large lines of credit to players. Platform developers are the only ones that have the ability to monitor game security, but they have no incentive to police the games because they do not handle funds or payments. Their profit comes from in-app purchases such as chips or club creation.

       PokerKing Asia uses a different model. The company is a regulated cash network with a centralized player pool. Player funds are held by the company and club managers are only tasked with bringing players into the game. The success of PokerKing depends on having fair games, therefore making game security central to the company’s strategy. Pokerking has a support staff available to players 24 hours a day that includes a team of engineers that monitor game integrity using both algorithmic and manual detection processes.

       In my 10+ years as a professional poker player, the two most important things I consider when putting my money in action are game integrity and liquidity. All of the information in this article has come from my in-game, data-based research along with my experience playing in private club apps for the last two and a half years. I am a coach for the training site RunItOnce and have played both online and live poker in the toughest games at the highest stakes. 

       Detecting collusion is a difficult task that requires both technical resources and an in-depth knowledge of Poker related game theory. Collusion destroys the integrity of the game, and it removes the ability for honest players to profit in the game long term. Skilled colluders share cards and strategy decisions to manipulate the action to their advantage. In a more egregious example, I have found evidence of a player trying to connect to an 8 handed table with 5 accounts- -making it nearly impossible for anyone but the cheater to win. 

        I will be consulting PokerKing Asia alongside Nick Petrangelo with a team of expert professionals as the leader of the Game Security Panel. The team has a combined $20+ million in online and live earnings in tournaments and cash games against the world’s toughest competition. We have studied both poker related data analytics and game theory to compete at the highest level for the past decade. Using our combined experience we plan to accomplish the following goals:

      1. To help enhance PokerKing’s algorithmic detection system using data analytics and our collective experience playing poker for the past 15+ years.

      2. Consult on high profile cases where suspected collusion or cheating may have occurred.

      3. Educate the poker community on fair play and game safety.

      Cheating and collusion can come in many forms with varying levels of severity. PokerKing has a ZERO-tolerance approach to policing these situations. Please read the rules and terms of service before playing, or reach out to support with any questions.

       *PokerKing Asia and Poker King Club has no affiliation with the WPN skin “PokerKing”.


  • 美国
  • 著名
  • 扑克牌
  • John
  • Andress
  • 针对
  • 伙牌